Client Resources

Track Your Refund

If your return was e-filed, your refund should be issued between two and three weeks. However, if you filed a paper return, you should receive your refund check within six to eight weeks. You can check the status of your refund by clicking the link below. 

Important Dates

January 28th 

Tax season is beginning. After you have compiled your supporting documents, please call to schedule your tax appointment. If you are a new client, remember to bring your last two years of tax returns as well.

March 15th

Business tax deadline.

March 29th

Deadline to have all of your personal tax information to us in order to prepare a complete and accurate return.

April 15th

Tax return deadline is here. If you haven't submitted your information to us for tax return preparation, an extension must be filed on your behalf to avoid penalties.

September 15th

Business extension deadline.

October 15th 

Tax returns are due for those who filed extensions.

How Long Should You Keep Records and Documents? 

Retain Permanently:

 Retain for Seven Years:

Retain for Three Years:

Retain for Two Years:

Retain for One Year: